810 Invoice

810 Invoice Specific Notes (We Energies Implementation Guides)

810 Invoice transaction set is used to represent a single invoice for a single account. One account may contain multiple meters. EDI-820/Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the preferred method of payment for EDI Billing.

997 – Functional Acknowledgment

A “Functional Acknowledgment” (also referred to as a 997 transaction), is a requirement to confirm receipt of We Energies’ EDI-810. The Functional Acknowledgment is created by the trading partner, or the VAN working on behalf of the trading partner. The Functional Acknowledgment confirms that an EDI transaction has been received and accepted by We Energies’ trading partner and indicates the time and date of receipt. Functional Acknowledgment shall constitute evidence that an energy bill has been received but does not verify an energy bill’s content.

Interchange control number

A unique and sequential interchange control number is used on every envelope that is transmitted to a trading partner. This approach allows the receiver to audit the interchange for any duplicate or missing transmissions.

Key segment identification as follows:

  • MEA segments convey average temperature, usage and days for one metering period.
  • PAM segment describe meter measurements including different types of demand readings, read adjustments and power factor calculations.
  • PER segments contains the type of contact numbers being presented on a bill; be it for Gas Emergency, Electric Emergency or Customer Services.
  • SAC segments show individual charges such as facilities, energy charges, various credits and other miscellaneous charges.
  • IT1 loops accumulate all consumption and charge detail for a single or multiple meters for an individual service type. Each service type is detailed in a separate. IT1 loops also are used for unmetered services such as street lights, traffic signals, outdoor lights, etc., and for agreements and payment plans.
  • SLN segments convey usage detail for a single meter for a specific service type.
  • NTE segment. Although the UIG recommends that the NTE segment be avoided, there are occasions when We Energies is required by law or regulation to include messages, bill inserts or notices in all invoices. We Energies includes all bill messages and URL links to bill inserts that would normally appear on customer bills via NTE segments.
  • BAL segment holds the total charges in the invoice for a given month.
  • CTP segment is unit of measure place holder for a line item in IT1.

To learn more about EDI and become a certified  EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.

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