830 EDI 830 (Planning Schedule) And 862 (Shipping Schedule/Production Schedule) LEAR EDI Transaction Sets

830 Planning Schedule transaction set can be used to provide for customary and established business practice relative to the transfer of forecasting/material release information between organizations. The Planning Schedule Transaction may be used in various ways or in combination of ways, such as:

  1. A simple forecast;
  2. A forecast with the buyer’s authorization for the seller to commit to resources, such as labor or materials;
  3. A forecast that is also used as an order release mechanism, containing such elements as resource authorizations, period-to-date cumulative quantities, and specific ship/delivery patterns for requirements that have been represented in “buckets”, such as weekly, monthly or quarterly.

The order release forecast my also contain data related to purchase orders, as required, because the order release capability eliminates the need for discrete generation of purchase orders.

862 Shipping Schedule/Production Schedule transaction set can be used by supplier, and is intended to supplement the Planning Schedule Transaction Set (830). The Shipping Schedule Transaction Set will supersede certain shipping and delivery information transmitted in a previous planning schedule transaction, but it does not replace the 830 transaction set.

The Shipping Schedule Transaction Set shall not be used to authorize labor, materials, or other resources. The use of this transaction set will facilitate the practice of Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing by providing the customer with a mechanism to issue precise shipping schedules requirements on a more frequent basis than the issuance of a Planning Schedule Transaction. (e.g., daily shipping schedules versus weekly planning schedules). The Shipping Schedule Transaction also provides the ability for a customer location to issues shipping requirements independent of other customer locations when Planning Schedule Transactions are issued by a consolidated scheduling organization.

To learn more about EDI and become a certified EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.

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