835 Electronic Remittance Advice: HIPAA EDI Companion Guides For Health Partner Plans Vendors

835 Electronic Remittance Advice835 Electronic Remittance Advice notes explain the procedures and requirements necessary for Trading Partners of Health Partners Plans, Inc. to transmit the HIPAA standard transaction 835 Electronic Remittance Advice.

835 Electronic Remittance Advice General Notes

  • An ANSI X12N 837 Health Care Claim is NOT required in order to receive ANSI X12N 835 Electronic Remittance Advice
  • 835 Electronic Remittance Advice transaction files are provided via a secure FTP site
  • Transaction files are posted to an FTP site for your retrieval on a weekly basis
  • 835 Electronic Remittance Advice transaction delimiters will be as follows:
    • Data Element = *
    • Segment = ~
    • Component/Sub-element = : (colon)
    • Health Partners, Inc. will use all standard code sets within the 835 transaction.
    • Health Partners, Inc. trading partner ID is 445562154, with a qualifier of “mutually defined” (ZZ).

835 Electronic Remittance Advice Customer Service and Technical Assistance

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) customer service and technical assistance requests focus solely on the generation, processing, and/or transmission of a HIPAA standard transaction. EDI customer service and technical assistance requests will not focus on transaction results such as claim payment and remittance results. Please contact Health Partners Plans, Inc. Claims Technical Support (EDI) at (215) 991-4290 for technical assistance. Support hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m. EST

Non-EDI Customer Service and Assistance

Non-EDI customer service and assistance requests focus solely on transaction results such as claim payment and remittance advice, member maintenance, or member eligibility. Non-EDI customer service and assistance requests will not focus on the generation, processing, and/or transmission of a HIPAA standard transaction.

The guidelines described above are intended to convey information that is within the framework of the ASC X12N Technical Report Type 3 (TR3) adopted for use under HIPAA. Transmissions based on this information, used in tandem with the X12N Technical Report Type 3 (TR3), are compliant with X12 syntax, those guides, and HIPAA.

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