850 Purchase Order Specifics (Ryder EDI)
A valid customer purchase order number is required for all Ryder EDI Ariba PO-based invoices. Ryder will support the following order types:
- New orders
- Change / cancel orders
- Non-catalog items
- Orders with attachments
- Blanket purchase orders
- Service purchase orders
EDI Purchase Order Extrinsics
Purchase orders to legal entities will contain a (Legal Matters) extrinsic at the item level. This data applies to law firms only and must be returned on the invoice against PO and any invoices against contract.
EDI Purchase Order Attachments
All orders may have an attachment, a PDF file – which would contain information related to the PO. No other attachments will be sent. The attachment can be left online for later viewing.
EDI Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
The PO will contain a <URL> noting the web address where Ryder terms and conditions may be viewed and downloaded.
Purchase Order Comments
Ryder POs may include comments. This message will be captured in the N9 loop at the header level as follows:
N901*L1*Comment*EN (N903 This is the language code attribute sent by cXML to describe the language used for the comment. The code is ISO 639 compliant. Note that this code is optional and can be supplied in lower case.)
MSG*PO Comment Here*LC
Purchase Order Settings
Review Ryder’s Order Routing Rules from the Customer Relationships page of your account for information regarding change orders and cancel orders with orders that have a shipped status. Customer Order Routing Configuration Rules (and invoice rules) are visible from the Customer Relationships page by clicking on Ryder’s name in your Current Customer list.
Ryder current PO settings
- Do not allow change orders for fully shipped orders
- Allow change orders for partially shipped orders
- Allow change orders for invoice aggregation (one invoice for multiple purchase orders)
- Do not allow cancel orders for fully shipped orders
- Do not allow cancel orders for partially shipped orders.
To learn more about EDI and become a certified EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.