Additional SOS 850 Details
- If an order is revised by the customer, Lowe’s will cancel the PO and transmit a new PO with a new PO number.
- The entire PO must be shipped together as Lowe’s does not accept multiple shipments for a PO.
- Two different PO numbers with the same project number can be created and sent to the same vendor when a project is split into multiple POs due to freight charges.
- An SOS PO may include the same item number repeated more than once for an item in the same PO.
- Assembly of Multiple Items – For vendors with items in the SOS Kitchen Design Catalog or SOS Configurable Catalog, some items may be ordered as individual line items but may need to be assembled together prior to shipment.
Additional SOS 870 Details
- Include only one SOS PO per 870 Order Status transaction.
- The sequence of the PO1-01 numbers in the 870 must be the same as sent on the 850 SOS PO.
- The project number must be sent back in the 870 exactly as it is transmitted in the 850 SOS PO.
- Only one exception can be reported per line item in the 870.
- When item exceptions exist for an SOS PO, full item detail is required for every item on the order. For items without an exception in this scenario, include ‘IN’ as the status at the Item Level.
- All order exceptions must be resolved before sending the ‘AP’ Committed, ‘CC’ Shipped, and ‘DD’ 870 statuses.
- No replacement items, substitution items, or backordered items are allowed.
- Lowe’s will send the vendor an EDI 997 FA to confirm receipt of the EDI 870 transactions.
- An 870 is not required for SOS POs that are not transmitted via EDI.
- For SOS POs that are sent both via Fax and EDI, the 870 is required. If sent manually via Fax and the vendor enters the PO before receiving the SOS PO, the EDI 870 is mandatory to report the status of the EDI PO.
The following is a summary of the various 870s that can be submitted. It is IMPORTANT to reference the ‘EDI 870 Order Status Matrix’ when determining the type of 870 to transmit.