Advanced EDI Online Trainings: New 2018 Courses
Advanced EDI Online Trainings are offered by EDI Academy for specialists who have already passed basic online courses. Find below the description and available dates for Advanced EDI Online Trainings. EDI 201 & 301 (EDI All Industries) and HIPAA EDI 110, HIPAA EDI 210 HIPAA EDI (HIPAA EDI) courses are prerequisites for these classes.
EDI 401: Advanced Course: E-Commerce EDI & Change Order Automation
April 5th, 2018 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Eastern
Part 1: Change Order Processing
Most suppliers are still manually processing the 860 Purchase Order changes. The key to automating change orders is to refine the business rules and processes. In this session, we will provide examples of how some suppliers have been able to successfully automate the processing of change orders. E-Commerce EDI Best Practices E-commerce EDI usage is exploding. This workshop will show you how to avoid common pitfalls and master transactions such as the 855 PO Acknowledgement, 869 Order Status Inquiry, 870 Order Status Report, and 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice. Successful e-commerce EDI will help you boost productivity, reduce errors and improve trading partner relationships.
Part 2: E-Commerce EDI Best Practices
E-commerce EDI usage is exploding. This workshop will show you how to avoid common pitfalls and master transactions such as the 855 PO Acknowledgement, 869 Order Status Inquiry, 870 Order Status Report, and 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice. Successful e-commerce EDI will help you boost productivity, reduce errors and improve trading partner relationships.
EDI 410: Advanced Course: EDI for Finance, Inventory & Transportation
April 6th, 2018 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Eastern
EDI For Finance: This workshop will show you how to implement EDI transactions such as the 820 RA/Payment and the 823 Lockbox. Finance EDI can help you improve productivity and reduce costs and errors in your treasury and accounts receivable departments.
EDI For Inventory & Sales: An inventory management system is incomplete without EDI. Learn best practices for EDI transactions such as the 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice, 947 Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice, and the 852 Product Activity Data. This will enable you to provide inventory visibility to your partners and optimize inventory to meet goals for product availability and ROI.
EDI For Transportation: Transportation EDI is very powerful but underutilized. 3PL’s, freight carriers, suppliers, and retailers can benefit from learning how to manage transactions such as 110 Air Freight Details and Invoice, 204 Load Tender, 210 Invoice, 214 Transportation Carrier Ship. This workshop will show you how to use this information to track shipments and optimize your transportation management system.
HIPAA EDI 401: Advanced 837 Coordination of Benefits & 277/RFAI
March 22nd, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM EST
Part 1: In this session, we will cover advanced 837 topics with different situational rules. In addition, we will walk you through several scenarios of Coordination of Benefits and show you how the 837 and the 835 are linked when more than one payer is involved.
Part 2: This combined section will cover the 277 Request for Additional Information along with the 275 Health Care attachments. Real-world implementation examples and scenarios will be covered.
HIPAA EDI 410: 837 Outbound To CMS and Other State Entities
March 23rd, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM EST
Transmitting 837 Outbound to CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) is a common practice for most health plans. The Encounter Data System (EDS) Companion Guide contains information to assist Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) and other entities in the submission of encounter data. This class will go through the highlights of the Encounter Companion Guide for the institutional and professional claim. We will also some highlights Medicaid claim companion guides for some states.
We will show examples of 837 x12 transactions for the following encounter types:
• Standard encounters
• Capitated encounters
• Chart reviews • Replacements & Deletes
• Atypical Provider
• Paper Generated Encounters: UB-04/HCFA 1500 Conversion to 837 X12
For more info and sign-up, please, call (877) 334-6484 or e-mail us