Ameritech EDI Billing

Ameritech EDI Billing Products: EDI Summary Bill

Ameritech EDI Billing Products involve the EDI Summary Bill, the EDI Detail Bill and the EDI Bill Payment. EDI Summary Bill is briefly described below:

EDI Summary Bill

The EDI Summary Bill is sent to Ameritech EDI trading partners using the ANSI X12 811 Transaction Set. The objective of the EDI Summary Bill is to provide Ameritech trading partners with summary level bill information in an electronic format. The EDI Summary Bill is intended for Ameritech trading partners who wish to perform high level bill processing and electronic bill payment.

The EDI Summary Bill contains three sections. The header section contains account information such as invoice number, invoice date and payment terms. The detail section contains bill section subtotals for each service provider with no additional detail information. The summary section contains bill balance, payment and adjustment amounts.

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