Ariba EDI 850 Configuration (Supplier Network)
To receive 850’s from the Ariba Supplier Network, vendor must configure your production and test accounts appropriately. Please follow the steps below to enable your account(s).
1. Login to your production account on the Network
2. From the Home page, click the Administration tab
3. From the Administration page, click the Configuration link
4. Under Electronic Order Routing, click the check box and then click on the Configure link. If you have already configured your account, this link will read Configured with the date that the configuration was completed. You can always update your configuration by clicking on the Edit Configuration link.
5. Under the Routing Method for New Orders select EDI.
6. Select the Click here for Configuration link under Options.
7. Enter your X12 or EDIFACT trading partner details. You will need the following information:
- Interchange Control Number (default is 100)
- Application (GS) ID
- Functional Group Control Number (default is 100)
- ISA Qualifier
- Notification email address if document is undeliverable. Make sure to click on the check box here as well.
8. Click the ‘Submit’ button when complete
9. From the Electronic Invoice Routing screen click on Save.
EDI 850 mapping may optionally include:
- Mapping purchase order tax details
- Mapping payment terms
- Mapping order date with complete date, time and zone (this builds the payloadID for optional
return on the 810)
You may optionally set different routing methods for different order types or accept the default which is the same for new orders. You may want to select online, fax or email for orders with attachments as EDI does not support the attachment embedded in the 850. If the PO has an attachment, the attachment detail is mapped to N9 with N904 set to “AttachmentOnline”.