ASN EDI Test – Building the ASN (Myer Testing)

ASN EDI Test purpose is to establish the accuracy of the ASN build process, to ensure that the supplier can transmit ASNs and to ensure that Myer can receive them. Myer teams may visit the supplier’s premises to validate the methods the Supplier uses to create an ASN and that the ASN complies with the Myer EDI Technical requirements. Myer validation routines for receiving ASNs:

Upon receipt of an ASN, Myer will validate the information below. If an ASN fails any one of the validation tests it will be highlighted to the distribution centre and the delivery will be rejected until a valid ASN has been successfully created. The validation rules are:

  • An ASN must relate to the most recently transmitted version of the EDI order or reverse purchase order
  • An ASN must relate to a valid purchase order or reverse purchase order
  • An ASN must relate to only one purchase order or reverse purchase order
  • The ASN number must not duplicate a valid ASN previously received and processed from that supplier
  • An ASN must not relate to a ‘blanket’ purchase order. Blanket orders are sent to reserve merchandise (Myer will send an allocation for all blanket orders – suppliers must not ship against a blanket order)
  • An ASN must relate to a valid delivery point, RDC or Store
  • An ASN must relate to only one delivery point, RDC or Store
  • Each Logistics SSCC Label must be unique
  • Each Logistics SSCC Label must be for a store allocation noted on the purchase order or reverse purchase order – There may be more than one Logistics label per store allocation – For some merchandise the store allocation may be to the central location within a Regional Distribution Centre or for a specific customer
  • Each Logistics SSCC Label must contain only one store’s allocation (but may contain multiple GTINs)
  • The GTIN on the ASN must also be present on the purchase order (no substitutions)
  • The GTIN/s quantities must not be greater than the ordered quantity for each store allocation

Suppliers should ensure that their system follows these rules when creating an ASN. This will avoid unnecessary delays in processing ASNs and ASN failures. Myer will agree on which production order or reverse purchase order Myer will test. The order or reverse purchase order should be picked and packed in the normal manner.

  • The supplier will download the purchase order into their system and print the required number of GTIN/EAN/UPC barcode symbols and/or price tickets
  • The supplier will then scan those tickets to build their ASN
  • Upon completion of this exercise the supplier will send the ASN electronically to Myer
  • Myer will then receive the ASN into our test system and validate that the ASN is complete and accurate. Myer will send a functional acknowledgment
  • The supplier should check that they have received the functional acknowledgment
  • Myer will check the content of the ASN against the detail of the order to validate the accuracy of the packing process
  • This test must be completed with 100% accuracy
  • When this test is successfully completed Myer will change a filter on its EDI system that will allow supplier ASNs to be sent to relevant delivery points for automated receiving.

To learn more about EDI |ASNs and become a certified  EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.

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