Bill of Lading (BOL) Instructions For Orchard Suppliers
Bill of Lading must be provided for each destination that includes information for all POs loaded in a single trailer. One trailer to one Orchard destination = one Bill of Lading. Do not include a separate Bill of Lading for each PO. Include all POs numbers on the BOL.
If a supplier’s internal system is coded to create a separate BOL for each PO, they must be able to consolidate the separate BOL into a single consolidated or master BOL for each DC or store destination and trailer. If a supplier is shipping multiple trailers to the same destination unit number, a separate BOL is required for each trailer.
A single BOL must not exceed a single trailer. For all finished product containing composite wood products, the BOL (or EDI 810 Invoice) must include the ATCM statement to affirm compliance. Do not reassign a BOL number within 90 days.
Data Required on BOL
- Bill of Lading must be printed at top of document.
- Ship From supplier name and address. Use company name as listed on the Orchard Profile name.
- Ship To destination name, unit number, and address.
- Bill of Lading Number.
- Actual date of shipment: Do not predate.
- MBL and Routing Request (RR) Number.
- SCAC Carrier.
- PO Number (Customer Number): Include all POs numbers.
- Trailer Number: Required for collect TL carrier shipments.
- Seal Number: Required for collect TL carrier shipments.
- PRO Number: LTL carrier shipments.
- Freight Terms: If collect, check (X) Collect for TL carrier shipments and LTL shipments. For all prepaid shipments, check Prepaid.
- Total Quantity of Pallets/Skids.
- Total Quantity of Cartons: If mixed load (pallets/skids and loose cartons), include only total loose cartons.
- Hazardous Material: Indicate X.
- Product description.
- NMFC Number for each product type.
- Class Rate for each NMFC Number.
- Grand Total Quantity of Pallets/Skids.
- Grand Total Quantity of Cartons If mixed load (pallets/skids and loose cartons), include only the total loose cartons.
- Grand Total Weight: Pallets/skids and loose cartons. Include the weight of all packaging and pallets/skids.
- Shipper signature and Date Signed.