Bill of Lading (BOL) Instructions For Orchard Suppliers

Bill of LadingBill of Lading must be provided for each destination that includes information for all POs loaded in a single trailer. One trailer to one Orchard destination = one Bill of Lading. Do not include a separate Bill of Lading for each PO. Include all POs numbers on the BOL.

If a supplier’s internal system is coded to create a separate BOL for each PO, they must be able to consolidate the separate BOL into a single consolidated or master BOL for each DC or store destination and trailer. If a supplier is shipping multiple trailers to the same destination unit number, a separate BOL is required for each trailer.

A single BOL must not exceed a single trailer. For all finished product containing composite wood products, the BOL (or EDI 810 Invoice) must include the ATCM statement to affirm compliance. Do not reassign a BOL number within 90 days.

Data Required on BOL

  1. Bill of Lading must be printed at top of document.
  2. Ship From supplier name and address. Use company name as listed on the Orchard Profile name.
  3. Ship To destination name, unit number, and address.
  4. Bill of Lading Number.
  5. Actual date of shipment: Do not predate.
  6. MBL and Routing Request (RR) Number.
  7. SCAC Carrier.
  8. PO Number (Customer Number): Include all POs numbers.
  9. Trailer Number: Required for collect TL carrier shipments.
  10. Seal Number: Required for collect TL carrier shipments.
  11. PRO Number: LTL carrier shipments.
  12. Freight Terms: If collect, check (X) Collect for TL carrier shipments and LTL shipments. For all prepaid shipments, check Prepaid.
  13. Total Quantity of Pallets/Skids.
  14. Total Quantity of Cartons: If mixed load (pallets/skids and loose cartons), include only total loose cartons.
  15. Hazardous Material: Indicate X.
  16. Product description.
  17. NMFC Number for each product type.
  18. Class Rate for each NMFC Number.
  19. Grand Total Quantity of Pallets/Skids.
  20. Grand Total Quantity of Cartons If mixed load (pallets/skids and loose cartons), include only the total loose cartons.
  21. Grand Total Weight: Pallets/skids and loose cartons. Include the weight of all packaging and pallets/skids.
  22. Shipper signature and Date Signed.

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