EDI pick and pack

Hierarchical structure examples: Pick and Pack Following is an example of Pick and Pack EDI 856 transaction hierarchical structure. Each box in the diagram represents a detail loop (one HL segment followed by data segments) in a Ship Notice/Manifest transaction set. In this example, the shipment contains 2 orders. The first order has 3 cartons. The first carton contains Read More →

HL Segment EDI 856

  Mapping Guidelines For the HL Segment EDI 856 Advance Shipping Notice The HL segment marks the beginning of a detail loop. A clear understanding of how the HL segment works is a critical factor in the successful generation and receipt of the Ship Notice/Manifest transaction. There are three data elements in the HL segment which are defined Read More →

EDI webinars

Standard Carton Pack Structure (856 ASN) The Standard Carton Pack structure should be used in an environment where identical SKUs are packed within one or more physical shipping containers [e.g.,12 blue twin-size sheets (one U.P.C.)]. The transaction hierarchy is: Shipment, Order, Item, and Packaging (Tare and Pack). In this structure, the Item level is subordinate Read More →

Packaging Levels Structure

856 Pick and Pack Hierarchical Structure The Pick and Pack structure should be used in a Pick and Pack order filling environment. Typically, when different SKUs are packed within the same physical shipping container [e.g., 48 men’s shirts in 3 colors and 4 sizes each (12 different U.P.C.s)], at least one packaging level must be Read More →