electronic claims

Louisiana Healthcare Connections electronic claims/encounter program Providers are encouraged to participate in the electronic claims/encounter filing program. Louisiana Healthcare Connections is capable of receiving an ANSI X12N 837 professional, institution or encounter transaction, as well as to generate an ANSI X12N 835 electronic remittance advice known as an Explanation of Payment (EOP). Providers that bill Read More →

Electronic HIPAA Claims

Electronic HIPAA Claims Guides (Louisiana Healthcare Connections) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) allows faster, more efficient and cost‐effective claim submission for providers. EDI, performed in accordance with nationally recognized standards, supports the healthcare industry’s efforts to reduce administrative costs. The benefits of billing electronically include: Reduction of overhead and administrative costs Eliminates the need for paper Read More →

HIPAA training

Louisiana Healthcare Connections Claims Correction Guides When submitting an Adjusted or Corrected Claim to Louisiana Healthcare Connections, they must clearly indicate they are corrected in one of the following ways: Submit corrected claim via the secure Provider Portal Follow the instructions on the portal for submitting a correction Submit corrected claim electronically via Clearinghouse. The Read More →

Electronic Funds Transfer

Electronic Funds Transfers and Electronic Remittance Advices Guides (Louisiana Healthcare Connections) Louisiana Healthcare Connections provides Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) to its participating providers to help them reduce costs, speed secondary billings, and improve cash flow by enabling online access of remittance information, and straight forward reconciliation of payments. Through this Read More →