Cloud computing and services
Cloud computing means the ways of storing and accessing data in the Internet, not on the hardware. Cloud computing covers various computing services over the Internet — servers, databases, data storages, software. It is often called simply “the cloud”. This type of data storing and processing is innovative and flexible – these factors drive modern business. Cloud services help to lower operational costs, make the company infrastructure more flexible, reliable and efficient, and scale your current business needs.
There are several evident cloud benefits that stimulate companies to shift to cloud computing services:
- Cost
- Speed
- Performance
- Productivity
- Security
- Reliability.
With cloud services, enterprise infrastructure becomes more cost-effective – there is no need for running expanded on-site datacenters with powerful servers and corresponded staff support. Speed gives an obvious advantage – you access data faster and easier, and it gives you flexibility and mobility of planning. As cloud computing services are based on secure datacenters that are regularly updated, you gain the ability to use up-to-date IT services. The security is also on a high level so it can be much more reliable that to run data on your on-site server. Cloud providers constantly work on security level improvements to protect your cloud infrastructure from threats.
Common on-site datacenters and servers usually require lots of manual interruption and constant support – hardware setup, software updating etc. Cloud computing reduces many operations including manual interruption. Of course, we must mention data security – cloud services offer regular backups, disaster recovery at much lower cost than regular infrastructure.
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