Common EDI transactions

Common EDI transactions 180, 810, 811, 812, 816

Common EDI transactions presented in today’s post are electronic transaction sets widely used in merchandise systems and warehousing. It is obvious that during the time our blog exhists we have already mentioned some of the given transactions in many of our earlier posts. If you want to find more information about other electronic data interchange documents, please, refer to EDI Transactions category.

Today we are going to speak about the following common EDI transactions (business transaction sets):

  • 180 Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification
  • 810 Invoice
  • 811 Consolidated Service Invoice / Statement
  • 812 Credit / Debit Adjustment
  • 816 Organizational Relationships.

180 Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification. 180 transaction set provides request for returns, authorization or disposition of the return, notification of return, or notification of consumer return. It is used in relation with returning of the merchandise to the vendor.

810 Invoice. One of the most widely used transactions in different industries. It is used to provide billing information regarding goods or services ordered.

811 Consolidated Service Invoice / Statement. The 811 EDI transaction set represents complex or structured invocing details. This is not a typical invoice, and it is used by companies who prefer to send/receive consolidated invoices. The transaction set can be also used as credit/debit memo to make difference between payable invoice items and information-only memo items. 811 EDI transaction can not be used as standalone notification of a credit/debit adjustment.

812 Credit / Debit Adjustment. Using this EDI document trading partners notify each other about an adjustment or billback or to request it. Being a multidirectional transaction, 812 Credit / Debit Adjustment shows the details covering exceptions, adjustments, credits, or debits for goods or services.

816 Organizational Relationships. The given EDI transaction is used between business partners to transmit the details as for organization’s members relationships (or parent/subsidiary company relationships). This information helps to identify the organizational hierarchy and therefore merchandising terms and conditions.

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