Continental WEB EDI

Continental WEB EDI via SupplyOn

Continental WEB EDI via SupplyOn is accepted as alternative process if the Supplier, for various reasons (i.e. in case the necessary technical infrastructure is not available), is not able to implement EDI. Usually Suppliers who do not have an EDI interface use SupplyOn WEB EDI. The difference between EDI and WEB EDI is simply exchanging EDI messages via an internet platform. With the WEB EDI service of SupplyOn, all regular message types can be exchanged, however messages profiles are prescribed and can vary between Continental locations. Supplier can view, print, or download these EDI messages transmitted to the SupplyOn platform by Continental via a web-based frontend application.

Supplier understands that registration at SupplyOn and a contractual agreement with SupplyOn for this WEB EDI service is a precondition for the usage, even though the supplier might already be registered for certain SupplyOn Services (e.g. SupplyOn Performance Monitor). For the registration of the WEB EDI Service, Supplier needs to contact SupplyOn and both Parties conclude a contract in good faith. After this, the necessary adjustments of logistics processes and changes in system-settings by and between Continental and Supplier have to be initiated, implemented, and tested. Each single routing between Continental location and Supplier has to be done separately in Continental’s IT-System and Supplier will be contacted by the individual Continental location. Supplier receives further details for the registration process either by the ordering Continental location or via SupplyOn Customer Service. SupplyOn provides training for WEB EDI separately. This is not in the responsibility of Continental.

All services provided in SupplyOn are available for registered Suppliers only. Continental will contact Strategic Suppliers to Continental not yet registered to SupplyOn. Both Parties agree on the registration. After this Supplier receives further instructions thru the respective Continental purchasing department to initiate the registration and SupplyOn will contact Supplier to conclude a contract.

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