Covisint EDI

Covisint EDI Supplier Connection Document Flow Overview

Covisint EDI Supplier Connection is a web based application allowing GM and their business units the ability to send planning requirements and detailed shipping requests to suppliers not having their own systems capable of receiving these documents and responding with delivery information about parts being shipped. The Covisint EDI interface between different organizations often exchange documents using two popular EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) formats, EDIFACT and X12.

This EDI information from GM and their business units pass thru Covisint EDI Connect in order to be routed to the correct supplier. There are two types of documents from GM thru Covisint Connect to suppliers. One is a planning document often referred to as an EDIFACT DELFOR(Delivery Forecast) or an X12 830 used by the supplier to plan for short or long term part forecasting to insure parts are ready when needed. The other is a shipping document often referred to as an EDIFACT DELJIT(Delivery Just In Time) or an X12 862 used by the supplier to actually ship parts on a specified day. At the highest level the basic process flow is to receive documents and as needed process them to create a part shipment (via air, truck or sea) and an electronic shipping notification. This electronic reply back to the proper destination is an ASN (Advanced Ship Notification) often called an EDIFACT DESADV or X12 856.

These documents are delivered into Supplier Connection at the first level shown called the inbox folder. Here the user decides which activity to process, usually the planning document to make sure parts planned for the future will be available followed sometime later by a corresponding shipping document. When the proper shipping document arrives for this day’s processing the user moves the document to the middle level (the draft folder) by performing the ASN turnaround function in order to eventually create an ASN to be sent back to the GM Business unit requesting the part(s).

In the draft folder the supplier uses the ASN worksheet to gather all the needed information such as parts, quantities, packaging details, detail shipping information and prepares shipping labels. After verifying the activity the user submits the worksheet to be turned into an ASN that moves into the last level called the sent folder. In the sent folder the new ASN document is electronically delivered to Covisint Connect to be passed to the proper GM Business unit. The user can also print the shipping labels and delivery note as needed for the parts being packaged up for delivery.

To learn more about EDI and become a certified  EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.

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