CUSREP EDIFACT (The Port Of Antwerp): Purpose And Usage

CUSREP EDIFACT message is an international EDIFACT message that is used to send the required data of the means of transport to Customs (“CUStoms REport message”). The basic message is a UN message that is managed by the WCO (World Customs Organisation).

CUSREP EDIFACT official name in Belgium is “Generale Verklaring” , which translated literally means “General Declaration” (the electronic successor of the “Benelux 20” form). A number of other countries also use the CUSREP message, but usually disparities exist between the various message implementation guides (MIG). Each European member state needs to provide its own (MIG).


CUSREP EDIFACT message is sent by the ship’s agent who is responsible for the nautical dispatch of the ocean vessel or his agent and this maximum 5 calendar days prior to arrival of the ship in the port. It is advisable to send the CUSREP EDIFACT message at least 2 calendar days before the estimated arrival date of the ocean vessel in the seaport. In any case, the CUSREP message needs to have been sent within 24 hours after the effective arrival of the ocean vessel in the seaport.

CUSREP EDIFACT contains the general information concerning the arriving ocean vessel in the port, irrespective of the fact whether any goods are discharged. This data needs to be sent once per arriving ocean vessel by the appointed ship’s agent.

Only when the CUSREP message has been sent and accepted by PLDA, can the ship’s agent(s) send his/their CUSCAR message(s) to discharge the cargo of the ocean vessel. They cannot be accepted if sent earlier. The ship’s agent who is responsible for the nautical dispatch of the ocean vessel in the port, will usually also be 1 of the other agents, but not necessarily.

The current message is the EDIFACT message CUSREP – version D96B. This message only contains the information required to report the ocean vessel.

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