CUSRES EDIFACT (Customs Response Message)

CUSRES EDIFACT message is used to transfer data from a customs administration. The purposes of the Customs Response Message are the following:

  • to acknowledge the receipt of the message
  • to indicate whether the information received is correct or if there are errors (i.e. accepted without errors, accepted with errors, rejected, etc.)
  • to inform the sender of the status of the customs declaration (i.e. goods released, goods for examination, documents required, etc.)
  • to transmit additional information as agreed between parties (i.e. tax information, quantity information, etc.)
  • to respond to batched messages (i.e. CUSDEC, CUSCAR, CUSREP, CUSEXP).

CUSRES EDIFACT Transaction does not replace the functionality of the CONTRL message.

CUSRES EDIFACT message may be used for national and international purposes (field of application). This EDIFACT transaction relates to commerce, administration and transport sections of business. The message allows a customs administration to respond to any customs message, including the possibility to respond to multi-consignment and batched messages. CUSRES transaction may be used by other parties to respond to customs messages.

To learn more about EDI, EDIFACT standard, transactions and become a certifiedĀ  EDI Professional please visit ourĀ course schedule page.

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