Data translation and mapping service solution
Data translation cost (also translation software) will vary depending on your computing platform. Each company owner should study the company actual EDI situation (including its full absense). This needs to be done to choose the suitable ways of EDI implementation. EDI integration cost depends on many factors. Below you will find some information about cost of EDI service.
A low-end, PC-based translator that can handle a few trading partners will cost $1,500 – $3,500. A mid-range PC or server-based translator costs $4,500 to $15,000. An enterprise system that includes Data Transport, Data Translation and Data Integration modules in one product will cost $25,000 to $150,000 or more. EDI translation software vendors may charge extra for trading partner kits, the cost of which ranges from $250 to $1,000. Annual software maintenance is 15% – 20% for support and upgrades. EDI education and software training is extra if you require it. The cost can be an hourly rate (up to $150 per hour) or a flat rate per workshop, per student.
Mapping software has similar cost patterns to EDI translation software reviewed above, including the initial purchase, annual maintenance, education and training. An added cost involving Data Translation and Data Transformation is professional services. Unless you have an IT staff that is trained and prepared to use the software, you will incur an expense for someone to do all the mapping. At a cost of up to $250 per hour, the total outlay for professional services could equal or surpass the one-time purchase of the software. Every time you add a new trading partner or a new transaction set for an existing trading partner, there is a cost. If you have purchased low-end EDI translation software that works with one or two trading partners, it is possible that there will be no additional costs for professional services.