Direct Transmission

Direct Transmission Method In Electronic Communication

Direct Transmission represents the method of data exchange when information is sent from the sender directly to the receiver. Direct transmission does not require third-party service such as value added networks.

Speaking about data transmission we should mention that a communication channel is a pathway over which data can be conveyed. It can be represented by a physical wire or by radio or laser source with no physical presence. In direct transmission there is a source of information from where data originates (the sender) as well as the destination point to which the data is being transmitted. There can be several destination points depending on how many receivers are linked to the communication channel.

Direct transmission type also known as D2D (Device-to-Device) communication represent direct connection between devices. It has the following advantages: increased network efficiency, energy efficiency, reduced transmission delay, offloaded traffic and less congestion in cellular core network. Device-to-Device communication allows direct packets transmission between peers without routing the traffic via cellular base station nor a switching core. One of the features of D2D transmission is that it is subject to a set of Quality of Service rules mandated by the telecom operator. Also D2D makes it possible for the telecom operator to perform the needed authentications of users. This adds more flexibility and security.

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