DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest

DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest (Pick and Pack) Mapping Notes

DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest mapping notes described below regard the usage of the Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest transaction set can be used to list the contents of a shipment of goods as well as additional information relating to the shipment, such as order information, product description, physical characteristics, type of packaging, marking, carrier information, and configuration of goods within the transportation equipment. The DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest transaction set enables the sender to describe the contents and configuration of a shipment in various levels of detail and provides an ordered flexibility to convey information.The sender of DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest transaction is the organization responsible for detailing and communicating the contents of a shipment, or shipments, to one or more receivers of the transaction set. The receiver of DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest transaction set can be any organization having an interest in the contents of a shipment or information about the contents of a shipment.

Not all segments are mentioned in the blog post – only those that have particular mapping notes.

GS Functional Group Header

  • A functional group of related transaction sets, within the scope of X12 standards, consists of a collection of similar transaction sets enclosed by a functional group header and a functional group trailer

BSN Beginning Segment

  • BSN06 and BSN07 differentiate the functionality of use for the transaction set.

Loop HL – HL Hierarchical Level

  • HL01 shall contain a unique number for each occurrence of the HL segment within the transaction set. The value assigned to the first HL segment will be 1, and is incremented by one for each subsequent HL segment within the transaction set.
  • HL02 identifies the hierarchical ID of the HL segment to which it is subordinate (child of). HL02 will be omitted for the first occurrence of the HL segment in the transaction set, since it has no parent. HL03 identifies the application content of the series of segments following the current HL segment up to the next occurrence of an HL segment, or the CTT or SE segment, e.g., Shipment, Unit Load, Order, Tare, Pack and Item.

Loop HL – TD1 Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight)

  • Shipment (shipment level) is used to specify total containers and gross weight of the shipment

Loop HL – TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)

  • This segment is used to specify every carrier in the routing sequence or a specific routing sequence that has been previously identified (usually from a routing guide). The segment can also be used to indicate estimated transit time in days. Only use TD501 if needed for clarity; this is not a requirement in most retail applications. When referring to a pre-established routing guide, use code 91 or 92 in TD502 and identify the routing sequence, from the routing guide, in TD503. To identify a specific private parcel service, TD502 will contain code 2 and TD503 will contain the corresponding SCAC.
  • When using a small package service provider as the carrier, TD502 will contain code 2, TD503 will contain the carrier’s SCAC, and TD504 will contain code U to inform the receiver of a small package service shipment.

Loop HL – REF Reference Identification

  • In some cases, individual shipments with bill of lading may be grouped under a Master Bill of Lading. Under this circumstance, specifying both the bill of lading and the associated Master Bill of Lading Number will facilitate tracking.
  • Although both are accepted, either BM or MB is required to be present.

LIN Item Identification

  • The LIN02/03 (UPC number or SKU or EAN number) and the LIN10/11 (vendor item number) are Mandatory and must be sent in the ASN.

Loop N1 – N1 Name

  • N103 and N104 are required except when N101 contains code MA or OB.
  • When the ship to is the end consumer (customer of retailer), N103 and N104 are not required.
  • In some EDI implementations, it may be necessary to identify the sender and/or receiver of the transaction set within each transaction set. To identify the sender of the transaction set, N101 will contain code FR, N103 will contain code 93, and N104 will contain the actual identification number. To identify the receiver of the transaction set, N101 will contain code TO, N103 will contain code 94, and N104 will contain the actual identification number. These four codes may be used only in the combination listed above and may be used only to identify the sender and/or receiver of the transaction set.

Loop N1 – N4 Geographic Location

  • N401 and N402 are required unless N405 and N406 are used.

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