EDI 271 Mapping Exercise: Check Your EDI Skills
EDI 271 Mapping Exercise is an easy way to check your EDI knowledge and practical skills. The 271 transaction is the EDI function that responds eligibility and benefit information of the patient. It is set to receive care, from the Insurance Company to the Provider of Service.
The 271 Response is directly related to a 270 Request. The 271 transaction is designed to allow an Insurance Company to automate uniformed eligibility and benefit responses with as much detailed information as was received in the original 270 Request. Most Insurance Companies also have some method of web based eligibility verification. However, web based eligibility is driven for checks done at the point of service. Also, most web based eligibility verification does not support a batch method or provide a greater detail of benefits as the 271 Request.
Try 271 Mapping Exercise here. You can download mapping instructions and raw data for this exercise.
Read more about 270, 271 transactions (Healthcare Eligibility, Coverage and Benefit Inquiry (270) and Response (271)).