EDI 810 Invoice

EDI 810 Invoice Specifications – PVH Corp. Vendors

EDI 810 Invoice types are represented by the two ones which are direct-to-store and consolidated.

  • Direct-to-Store – PVH Corp. requires one invoice per store destination.
  • Consolidated – PVH Corp. requires one invoice for the warehouse destination for warehouse shipments and mark-for-store shipments.

BIG SEGMENT: This segment contains the invoice date, invoice number, purchase order date and purchase order number.

REF SEGMENT: The vendor number listed in REF segment on the purchase order must be listed in the REF segment on the invoice.

N1 ST and N1 RI SEGMENTS: The “ship to” destination must be listed in the N1 ST. For a direct-to-store order, the “ship to” will be the five-digit store number. For a warehouse or a mark-for-store order, the “ship to” will be 05 for Jonesville NC. The “remit to” must list the vendor’s duns number in the N1 RI segment.

ITD SEGMENT: This segment contains the terms of the purchase order.

DTM SEGMENT: The ship date of the purchase order must be listed in this segment.

IT1 SEGMENT: This segment contains the items (merchandise) shipped, the item price and the item UPC number. The UPC number(s) listed on the ASN must be listed on the invoice. There may not be any vendor UPC numbers listed on the invoice and there is no substitution for style/color/size.

TDS SEGMENT: This segment contains the total amount of the invoice and the amount upon which the terms discount is calculated.

CAD SEGMENT: This segment lists the carrier SCAC, carrier name and BOL number used for shipping the merchandise.

ISS SEGMENT: This segment contains the number of cartons/cases and total weight of the shipment. The sales / inventory data is sent to the vendor each Monday. The data is calculated from Monday to Sunday by the division 12- digit UPC number by store location.

XQ SEGMENT: The XQ02 segment contains the “start reporting date”, which is a Monday and, the XQ03 segment contains the “end reporting date”, which is a Sunday.

LIN SEGMENT: This segment contains the division 12-digit UPC number.

ZA SEGMENT: This segment contains the number of units sold, on hand and returned. QS – Quantity Sold QA – Quantity available QU – Quantity returned.

SDQ SEGMENT: This segment lists the store location.

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