Credit/Debit Adjustment (812) Transaction Definition and Usage
The Credit/Debit Adjustment (812) identifies and contains the details and amounts covering exceptions, adjustments, credits or debits for goods and services. This transaction is used in conjunction with the other financial transactions to help record and track activities that are occurring within the accounts payable/receivable department. It is not intended to be used to transfer funds. However, it can be used as a billing transaction for goods or services in the form of a billback. The Credit/Debit Adjustment (812) is multidirectional between trading partners.
The flow of this transaction is generally after goods and services have been invoiced using an Invoice (810) and before the receipt of the Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820). The Credit/Debit Adjustment (812) provides the receiver with reference information relating to a previous invoice, or purchasing agreement, to facilitate the tracking in financial accounting.
Credit/Debit Adjustment (812) Benefits
- Tracking vehicle for adjustments, billback, credit and debits
- Allows for early identification of financial implications
- Used to detail description of accounting transactions
- Used with other financial transactions to complete the accounting cycle
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