EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice Specifications – PVH Corp. Supplier Guides
EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice specifications refert to three types of advance ship notices: Warehouse ASN – one BSN for the warehouse destination, Direct-to-Store ASN – a BSN for each individual store destination, Mark-for-Store ASN – one BSN for the warehouse destination listing the store destinations.
SCAC and Carrier Name: Use the PVH Corp. Supplier Manual – Transportation section on the PVH Corp. website for acceptable carriers.
PVH Corp. Purchase Order Number Format: PVH Corp. Company (RT is Retail), PVH Corp. Division, 5 digit purchase order number. The date in this segment is the date of the purchase order upload to the supplier.
- For a warehouse shipment, the “ship to” (N1 ST and N1 BY) must be the two-digit warehouse code. Examples: ASN header N1*ST**92*05 and carton detail N1*BY**92*05.
- For a direct-to-store shipment, the “ship to” (N1 ST and N1 BY) must be the five-digit store number. Example: ASN header N1*ST**92*00001 and carton detail N1*ST**92*00001.
- For a mark-for-store shipment, the “ship to” (N1 ST and N1 BY) must be the two-digit warehouse code along with the “ship to” (N1 MA) for the five-digit store number. Examples: ASN header N1*ST**92*05, carton detail N1*BY**92*05 and mark-for carton detail N1*MA**92*00015.
Twenty digit carton label license number must include the Supplier UCC manufacturer ID number and a unique carton number. The carton number must always be unique – it may not be duplicated.
This segment contains the quantity and UPC packed in the carton identified in the preceding MAN segment. The UPC sent on the purchase order must be sent on the ASN. There may not be any vendor UPC numbers listed on the ASN and there is no substitution for style/color/size.
- Bulk Pack Purchase Orders – The LIN must list the component item UPC number from the PO1 segment on the purchase order.
- Prepack Purchase Orders – The LIN must list the prepack UPC number from the PO1 segment on the purchase order.
This segment contains the pack quantity in eaches (EA). The pack quantity is listed on the purchase order in the PO4 segment. For a prepack order, the SN1 must list the
prepack piece quantity not the number of prepacks.
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