EDI AS2 Connection: Communication And Business Integration
EDI AS2 connection is released by Volvo via support server authentication by verifying CA’s (certificate authorities) as trust model. If server certificate has been verified by trusted CA, Volvo will trust the server. Volvo support server authentication by verifying CA’s (certificate authorities) as trust model for EDI AS2 connection. If server certificate has been verified by trusted CA, Volvo will trust the server for further EDI AS2 connection. Volvo does not use/require client authentication. Volvo support both data encryption and data signatures in message security layer. However this needs to be discussed further before it can be configured.
EDI AS2 connection firewall configurations
Incoming and outgoing IP-addresses are different because of HW (cluster) solutions. Identity sending files from Volvo is or If possible configure your firewalls to accept files from 192.138.117*
EDI AS2 connection details production
AS2 Identifier VOLVO353952559AS2
AS2URL https://as2.volvo.com:8443/SeeburgerAS2/AS2Controller?ls=001
AS2 MDN URL https://as2.volvo.com:8443/SeeburgerAS2/AS2Controller?ls=001
Sending IP address (primary) and (secondary)
Message/MDN Transport HTTPS
Certificate TLS Generated by a CA Certificate authority
MDN notification method Asynchronous or Synchronous
As a supplier to the Volvo Group, vendors are required to use EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or the Volvo WebEDI. The messages exchanged between Volvo and suppliers are for example delivery schedules, despatch advices and invoices. Volvo WebEDI is ideal for small suppliers with few deliveries to Volvo or as an interim solution for suppliers currently unable to use traditional EDI. With this solution vendors log on to a web portal and manually register and administrate the required messages.