EDI logistics training

EDI CUSRES Message Used In Conjunction With SANCRT (SARS EDI Guides)

The Issuing Authority will submit permits electronically to SARS as soon as they have been issued. The Issuing Authority will receive a confirmation from SARS on every permit that is sent as soon as it has been validated. This could take the form of a positive or a negative acknowledgement and will be transmitted in the UN/EDIFACT CUSRES format.

The Issuing Authority will only issue the permit to the importer once a positive acknowledgement is received from SARS. In the case of a negative acknowledgement, SARS will not update the permit on its database and such permit must be rectified and resubmitted by the Issuing Authority. SARS will also submit an electronic notification on the usage of the permit for each declaration to the Issuing Authority as soon as possible, or in a batch mode after business hours, after the declaration has been released. The notification of usage will be sent according to the UN/EDIFACT CUSRES message format.

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