EDI DELFORP (Delivery Forecast Planned Delivery) Continental Transaction

EDI DELFORP message informs Continental about planned deliveries well in advance. Planned deliveries is designated as ‘planned receipts’ in the following blog post. This message type is required for the Supply Chain Monitor (SC Monitor). The SC Monitor is a web-based monitoring system of the current supply situation.

There are three options to provide Continental this information:

  • Via CSV format: alternatively, suppliers can input the required data in a ‘*.csv’-file – with e.g. Excel -and upload the data to the SC Monitor
  • via the menu ‘Supply Chain Monitor – Upload Planned receipts’.
    The ‘*.csv’ upload format is available via SupplyOn Customer Support.


  • Via the SC Monitor Application: suppliers create manually planned receipts (deliveries) in the ‘inventory projection’ screen of the SC Monitor using the menu ‘inventory projection’. The system offers both to simulate (with manually entered data) and to generate (automatically) the planned receipts for a specific article.


DELFORP is an EDI message. In order to ensure fast, process-capable, and efficient information processing the Parties agree on electronic data interchange – hereinafter referred to as EDI. EDI replicates paper-based business communication (e.g. Delivery Schedule, Advanced Shipping Notification, or Invoices) to a strictly formatted message that is exchanged electronically between the IT-Systems of Continental and Supplier. The exchanged data and information is formatted according to predefined standards.

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