EDI Enrollment

EDI Enrollment Guidelines And Assistance Steps

EDI Enrollment steps described in the blog will help Manitoba Health providers to make a smooth transition to a new medical billing system. You will be provided with forms and instructions after contacting Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors.

  1. If you are required to submit ICD-9-CM codes (required on Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Oral Surgery & Optometry claims) please ensure that they are coded to the maximum number of available digits, whether 3, 4 or 5 digits as a code is invalid if it has not been coded to the full number of digits available for that code. MHHLS will assist with any questions regarding ICD-9-CM codes and the Manitoba Physician’s Manual.
  2. Following the emailed instructions, complete the required forms to apply in writing for an Electronic User Site Number. Completed forms may be faxed to (204) 942-2356 or scanned and emailed to practitionerregistry@gov.mb.ca. The User Site Number is a unique identifier that designates you within the MHHLS billing system. Upon receipt of all required forms, you will be issued a User Site Number and file name that is to be used on CD, DVD, USB Flash Drive or emailed test submissions.
  3. Both test and live submission files must conform to the 8.3 naming convention. This means your file name will be 8 characters in length and the file extension will be 3 characters. For the testing process MHHLS assigns a file name which will be reported to you by emailed letter. The letter will contain your user site number, user site name and file name for testing purposes. The assigned file name will be based on your unique user site name and number. A testing user site may also create their own file names, but the file name must always conform to the 8.3 naming convention. For example, TESTA111.txt.
  4. To assist in the initial process of setting up electronic billing, MHHLS will also provide on request:
    • Up to two years of patient demographic information listing all patients that you have seen and submitted claims to MHHLS for during the requested time period. The file includes patient name, sex, current address, MHHLS registration number, birth date and the 9 digit Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN). A payment of $300.00 paid to “Minister of Finance” will be required for any subsequent requests for patient demographic information (forms and payment must be received before the demographic file will be created).
    • Ancillary files containing information on referring doctors, tariff rates and tariff description, are available if your vendor requires them.
    • Advise MHHLS when you are ready to start the testing process.

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