EDI Item Identification

Trade Item Identification

Trade Item identification is a key component of almost every VICS EDI transaction set. Within VICS EDI, products are identified using the (UC-12, EANUCC-13 and EAN.UCC-14) Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).

The key advantage of using one or more of these trade item identification structures is that they all provide a scannable symbol. Implementing scanning processes throughout the product life cycle, and integrating these processes with supplier and buyer computer systems, facilitates product movement and information exchange.

Prior to initiating any exchange of trade item information, new trading partners should review their respective item, price, and promotion databases to ensure they are in complete agreement. In exceptional cases, where a product does not have a GTIN, trading partners must reach agreement on the definition and use of alternative trade item identification codes and numbers.

To learn more about EDI and become a CEDIAP® (Certified EDI Academy Professional), please visit our course schedule page.

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