EDI Logistics Adoption: Promoting Integration
EDI Logistics adoption (solutions) is an up-to-date instrument that provides faster and easier control over logistics operations. Usually logistic companies and third parties use either EDI of web-forms methods of documents exchange. It is obvious in modern transport market conditions that EDI is more convenient and it is a very efficient step to full process automation.
What automation through EDI Logistics adoption can give to your company? First of all, high volume communication will be automated. Therefore it gives more time for your staff to concentrate on essential questions like customer service improvement. EDI Logistics adoption eliminates manual keying of the information into the billing or dispatch system. As a result, time and money are saved and data mistakes are eliminated.
As we already know, electronic documents are called “transaction sets”. Here are the most frequently used EDI transaction sets in logistics and transportation:
- 204- Motor Carrier Load Tender
- 990- Response to the Load Tender
- 211- Bill of Lading
- 212- Delivery Trailer Manifest
- 214- Shipment Status Message
- 210- Freight Details and Invoice
- 820- Payment Order/Remittance Advice
The above mentioned EDI logistics transactions allow parties involved in the supply process to have effective access to the vital information. Faster payments, eliminating bad debts, improving cash flow, taking control of costs, lowering the cost of acquiring new business and making it more competitive – these are some of EDI advantages. Precision is another essential advantage EDI gives. Generation of a load, shipment information and tracking, acceptance or rejection of a shipment, payment – the mentioned business events reflect accuracy and speed.
It is very important for business owners and company members to have full understanding of EDI in order to build strong mutually beneficial partnership with companies of different size. EDI Logistics adoption is one of the most important topics covered at the EDI Academy events. Analyzing your business model and EDI in it is the first step to understand how you can benefit from EDI. More information on EDI adoption will be given in our next blog post.