EDI Mapping

SARS Mapping Guidelines: Interchange Header Segment Elements (Continued)

Application Reference (0026) element may be used only if the interchange contains one message type. A reference to the specific systems’ application that will process all the messages in the interchange can be made here.

Processing Priority Code (0029)

Code denoting the processing priority for the interchange as assigned by the sender. This component should be used only if specified in an Interchange agreement. Currently only code “A” (Highest priority) may be used.

Acknowledgement Request (0031)

If used, a code (always “1”), requesting that the recipient send an acknowledgement of the successful receipt of the interchange.

Communication Agreement ID (0032)

Identifies the agreement under which the interchange takes place. The code or name to be used would be specified in the DA 185/DA 185.4A6. Should a Dual Code have been requested on the DA 185.4A6 registration document, this Dual code must be added to the aforementioned code.

Test Indicator (0035)

To identify that the interchange is a formal test and does not contain active data (must be “1” for testing). If not supplied, the interchange is Live.

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