EDI Order-to-Cash Transactions in U.S. Healthcare
Using GTINs and GLNs in EDI business messaging instead of proprietary identifiers can help improve transaction accuracy and efficiency, and more fully support traceability from the manufacturer to the patient / end user. GS1 guidelines describe key aspects of Order-to-Cash transactions in U.S. healthcare.
850 Purchase Order
Used by the buyer to advise the seller or broker of a request for the delivery of product. Also used by the broker to communicate the buyer’s request for product to the seller. Used to express purchase order information for receiving locations, and may also be used to express distribution requirements for receiving location(s), such as in cross-dock and/or drop-ship environments. A PO may be an original order, or it may be a confirmation of an order already communicated to the seller or broker by other means.
855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement
Used by the seller or broker to confirm buyer purchase orders or to notify the buyer of corrections and/or seller–initiated changes to a previously transmitted purchase order. It contains all information normally associated with a purchase order (e.g., receiving location, shipping date, and the products and quantities to be shipped). In addition, the seller or broker may furnish optional information such as product pricing, allowances and charges, and payment terms.
856 Ship Notice/Manifest (Advanced Ship Notice)
Used by either the seller or public warehouse to advise the buyer of shipment information. In addition, it may also be used by a seller to notify a public warehouse when a shipment of product is made from the seller’s plant or producing location or from another public warehouse. Exchange of information is accomplished using a flexible data structure to report information.
810 Invoice
Used by the supplier to bill the buyer for products and services provided. It allows a buyer to record payment-request information and automatically update applicable systems. The data contained in the business message provides automated cross-referencing of purchase order and receiving data.
820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice
Used to communicate remittance information and/or to initiate a payment. It is used by the buyer (payer) to notify the seller (payee) of payment of an invoice or invoices. In addition, it can be used by the seller to notify the buyer of payment of an invoice for coupons redeemed, product reclamation, or a credit due the buyer or payment for promotion performance.
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