EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time

EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time Formula

EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time  formula given in today’s post is described for better understanding of the EDI process flow during goods delivery. One of the benefits of using EDI is that it speeds up order-to-delivery cycle time. Please see EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time formula and examples below to learn more about this feature. EDI Academy uses the following EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time formula to determine order-to-delivery cycle time:edi seminarswhere ReceivedDateTime  = Date Time on which product is ‘checked in and available for unloading’ by the customer (including transit, warehousing, appointment delays).

Elapsed time is measured in calendar hours, not business hours.

Order Received Date Time = Date Time 0.

Order Actual Receipt Date Time = Date Time on which product is ‘checked in and available for unloading’ by the customer (including transit, warehousing, appointment delays).

Individual Orders

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Orders over a Period

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Example 1: Manufacture to forecast assuming 7 calendar day operations

Order is placed via EDI by customer (Hour #0).

Order is processed/reviewed by manufacturer and/or sent to plant/distribution facility for fulfilment (Hour #24).

Order is picked and transportation arranged in correspondence with the buyer ‘requested delivery/pickup date’ (Hour #48 – Hour #72).

Shipment departs fulfilment location en route to customer location (Hour #96) – 24 hour transit.

Product arrives at customer location and is available for unloading (Hour #120).

Order to Delivery Cycle Time = 120 hours.

Order to Delivery Cycle Time = (120-0)/1.

Example 2: Manufacture to order, assuming 3 day production cycle

Order is placed via EDI by customer (Hour #0).

Order is processed/reviewed by manufacturer and/or sent to plant/distribution facility for fulfilment (Hour #24).

Production of product occurs (Hour #96).

Order is staged and transportation arranged in correspondence with the buyer ‘requested delivery/pickup date’ (Hour # 120).

Shipment departs fulfilment location en route to customer location (Hour # 144) – 24 hour transit.

Product arrives at customer location and is available for unloading (Hour #168).

Order to Delivery Cycle Time = 168 hours.

Order to Delivery Cycle Time = (168-0)/1.

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