EDI Purchase Order Test

EDI Purchase Order Test – Receiving EDI purchase orders

EDI Purchase Order Test ensures Suppliers can receive all relevant segments of purchase orders from Myer in all formats. This test is required for suppliers who have not previously received EDI purchase orders with all of the listed characteristics.

Myer will send test purchase orders. They are to be used to test the suppliers capability to receive the order, send a functional acknowledgment and successfully map the data contained in the orders to the supplier’s system – They are not to be supplied against.

The following types of order can be sent with the retail segment (Order type – EDI purchase order type):

  • One delivery point, one store allocation – Combination
  • One delivery point, many store allocations – Combination
  • A blanket order not yet allocated – Blanket order (BK)
  • An allocation for blanket order – Release order (RL)
  • An amendment to an order – Where BEG segment = 07
  • Deliver to distribution centre – Basic
  • Deliver direct to store – Basic

These orders cover the different types of EDI transactions that your system must be able to receive. Myer aim is to Test your EDI system to ensure it can receive the Purchase Order and return the FA – Fuctional Acknowledgement successfully and then process and return via EDI the ASN – Advanced Ship Notice. The supplier should check that each order has been successfully received and that all data has been successfully mapped to the correct fields in their system. The supplier’s system should perform sufficient checks to ensure the transmitted order has been received completely and accurately. A functional acknowledgment is required for each purchase order. This should be generated upon download of the order from the network. Myer will confirm receipt of the functional acknowledgments for this test. Confirmations for receipt of functional acknowledgments will not occur in production. When suppliers confirm that they are able to successfully receive EDI purchase orders Myer will begin sending ‘live’ orders.

To learn more about EDI testing, partner integration and become a certified  EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.

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