General Shipping Specifications for McLane Company Suppliers
Shipping procedure includes notes for all shipments for McLane Company. The Company needs delivery appointments for every PO. Appointments are to be made 72 hours in advance of the PO due date for delivery. Carriers will only use McLane Company PO numbers. McLane Company will offer a pallet exchange program when usinf pallets. This does not cover CHEP or iGPS pallets. The Supplier’s carrier will be required to unload the truck. Product should be palletized on the McLane dock to ti and tier pallet pattern.
Customer Pick-up Shipments (BKHL, CTMS)
Both the Supplier and McLane should partner. This is to release CPU Program. Factors should be considered for a fair CPU Program: line haul allowance, fuel surcharge and unloading. CPU Programs should be reviewed on a regular basis. Changes to the CPU allowances should be sent to McLane at least 30 days prior to the eff. date. When a CPU program is in effect costs are reduced for the supplier as follows:
- Supplier is no longer responsible for detention at a McLane DC
- Supplier is no longer responsible for unloading costs
- Supplier is no longer responsible for charges for delivery after hours
- Supplier is no longer responsible for sort & segregation charges
- Supplier is no longer at risk of No Call No Show charges.
All carriers are considered a customer pick up (CPU). CPU could be a McLane truck and driver (BKHL). Also it can be a local company (BKHL). A trucking company contracted by McLane’s (CTMS) is possible as well. McLane or its carrier will call 24 hours in advance of pick-up date. The McLane PO number is used to schedule pick-up appointments.
Overages, Shortages, and Damages (OS&D) on CPU Shipments Overages
- If overage is regular turn item the McLane buyer will instruct DC to receive product into inventory.
- If product is an In/Out item or not a valid McLane item, product is to be placed in special rack & supplier
- If the shipment is shorted, the standard McLane Claims Form will need to be completed.
- A copy of the BOL must be emailed to with the seal number.
- If no trailer seal is present at the time of unloading, receiving is o note this on the BOL.
- If the seal is intact and product is missing, the supplier will be held responsible for short shipping.
- Claims must be filed within 30 days of receiving. All docs need to be sent to Inbound Logistics in order to meet that deadline.
- If product is damaged, supplier is to provide instruction to either pickup or destroy.
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