EDI Solution Hudson’s Bay Company General Guides
EDI Solution Hudson’s Bay Company FAQs given below will help the company future trading partners to understand the process of EDI documents exchange better. In the blog we provide some information about EDI Solution Hudson’s Bay Company in the form of FAQs.
How can I tell if a PO (850) is Bulk or By-Store?
You will be able to determine the PO type from the SDQ segment on the 850. For a Bulk PO, the SDQ segment will specify the specific DC you will be shipping to, along with the quantity (SDQ.EA.92.ZU0507.240). For a By Store, ‘pre-distributed’ PO, the SDQ segment will list the specific stores and quantities within that shipment (SDQ.EA.92.F35124.4.B15151.4.).
What type of label should I use?
If your Purchase Order is pre-distributed (refer to the SDQ segment to determine the PO type) it is required that you use a carton label (pack level ASN); if the shipment is bulk it is required that you use a pallet label (tare level ASN).
When can I use a Master BOL number?
A master BOL# is used to link multiple ASNs together. A Master BOL #or REF MB segment is used when a vendor must send multiple ASN’s on 1 truck/1 apt. If using this segment, when booking the appointment, you must book with the master BOL#.
There are multiple ASNs attached to one MBOL #. I have sent the first ASN and it was accepted without errors but I have errors on the subsequent ones, why?
If you are transmitting multiple ASNs attached to a BOL, all ASNs must be sent on the exact same date and time in order for the ASNs to be loaded successfully.
How do I determine the pack size of a SKU?
The pack size information is provided in the PO4 segment on the 850. When sending an ASN, be sure you are transmitting equal to the pack size (for a pack level ASN), or a multiple of the pack size (for a tare level ASN).
I received an 824, please explain what steps should be taken?
Once the ASN has rejected and the 824 is received, the vendor must make the necessary corrections and resend his ASN. We recommend the ASN is resent with the same ASN and BOL#.