Ryder EDI

Ryder EDI Tax Detail / Payment Terms Configuration

To receiver payment terms on the PO, supplier may want to configure the account so the purchase order (850) coming over from Ryder has the payment terms mapped. To do this:

  1. Login to your production account on the Network.
  2. From the Home page, click the Administration tab.
  3. From the Administration page, click the Configuration link.
  4. Under Electronic Invoice Routing, click the check box and then click on the Configure link. If you have already configured your account, this link will read Configured with the date that the configuration was completed. You can always update your configuration by clicking on the Edit Configuration link.
  5. Under the Sending Method for Invoices choose EDI.
  6. Select the Click here for Configuration link under Options.
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to the Mapping section.
  8. If you have a customer who does send tax at the item level or you would simply like to enable this mapping, check the box next to Map purchase order tax details to EDI.
  9. Check the box next to Map payment terms to generate the payment terms from the Network to the 850.
  10. Click the Submit button when you are done.

Repeat the same configuration in your test account to receive data specified on test orders from Ryder.

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