EDI Technical Guidelines

EDI Technical Guidelines – Implementation With Parker Hannfin Vendors

Over 50 Parker divisions use the EDI Gateway to manage hundreds of trading partnerships. Translation of ANSI X.12 formatted data by Parker Hannifin into and out of user-defined records is done by using Sterling Software Company’s Gentran EDI translation software. The version used at Parker was developed specifically for a mainframe computer running in the MVS operating environment. The communications management software for Parker’s computer system, which includes EDI communications activity, is Universal Link’s U-LINK software package.

Parker’s EDI Gateway acts as a service bureau to individual divisions for EDI processing. In this way, Parker can offer expanded EDI expertise to its divisions and trading partner suppliers.

The Parker Communication Network

Almost 10,000 terminals worldwide are linked within the Parker Communications Network to the various data centers. This network linkage allows enterprise-based systems like the EDI Gateway to reach all divisions. Another advantage is central control of VAN access and point-to-point communication management in one place for all divisions, regardless of location.

EDI Addressing Transactions must be addressed within Parker EDI system in much the same way as when the transaction was manually executed. Each division has its own unique DUN’s number and use the standard ANSI “01” qualifier. The following addressing information refers to the ISA and GS segments, and is offered as an example of Parker’s preferred addressing structure:

  • ISA 01 + divisional DUN’s number
  • GS divisional DUN’s number
  • ISA05=Partner’s qualifier (ANSI standard)
  • ISA06=Partner DUN’s number ID
  • ISA07=01 qualifier
  • ISA08=Divisional DUN’s number
  • GS02=Partner’s DUN’s number/ID
  • GS03=Parker’s divisional DUN’s number.

Mailboxes on the VANs are accessed several times a day, seven days a week for inbound traffic. Outbound documents, especially shipment notices, are launched several times per hour to meet customer requirements. Timing of EDI transaction traffic management is transparent to customers who rate Parker EDI performance using their own criteria.

Final Comments

Although one of major information technology initiatives is to integrate EDI transaction activity into divisional operating systems, not all divisions are at the same level of development as others. Management is fully committed to meeting Parker customers’ EDI initiatives and strengthening the Parker customer relationship.

To learn more about EDI and become a certified  EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.

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