EDI Transaction Set 813

EDI Transaction Set 813 (Texas Sales and Use Tax Return for List Filer)

EDI Transaction Set 813 (Texas Comptroller) mapping guides illustrate the required format of the ANSI ASC X12 813 Transaction Set for use in filing Texas Sales & Use Tax Return forms 01-114, 01-115,01-116 & 01-148. EDI Transaction Set 813 may be used by tax filers to electronically file tax returns, and may initiate payment related to the tax return:

  • Each occurrence of an 813 begins with an ST segment and ends with a SE segment.
  • Multiple 813 filings are contained within a GS/GE envelope and an ISA/IEA Interchange Control Header andTrailer.
  • All segments are required unless noted. See Attribute Exemptions at the end of this document for acronymexplanations.
  • All segments must be separated from the following segment by a delimiter.

Find below the examples of EDI Transaction Set 813 segments and separate mapping comments.

ISA~03~TX813040RP~00~ ~ZZ~17400000000 ~ZZ~TEX COMPTROLLER~170411~1459~U~00401~000000093~0~P~^

GS~TF~17400000000 ~TEX COMPTROLLER~20170411~1459~2~X~004010


BTI~T6~041~47~TX~20170411~~94~HB109~49~17400000000~SV~00000162C~00 BTI~T6~041~47~TX~20170411~~94~HB109~49~17400000000~SV~00000162C~~CO

BTI13 should be used without BTI14. Use “00” = Original when filing your original return.
BTI14 should be used without BTI13. Use “CO” = Corrected when adjusting or correcting original or amendedreturn.


  • Tax Information and Amount Segment (Required)

  • The following TIA Segment is required to indicate whether the taxpayer is taking “Credit” on this report.

  • You must ask Taxpayers the following question:

    • “Are you taking a credit to reduce the taxes due on this return?” If the taxpayer indicates YES, then the amount of the credit being taken on this return and the earliest dateof the tax paid for this credit must be reported within the TFS~T2~26160 loop and you must ask thefollowing questions:

      • “Are you taking bad debt credit for taxes remitted by this legal entity?”(First Party Bad Debt). If the taxpayer answers YES, the amount of bad debt credit (state and local tax) beingtaken on this return and must be reported within the TFS~T2~26160 loop. If the taxpayer indicates YES, then ask: 

      • “Was this credit reported on this legal entity’s federal income tax report?”

      • “Are you taking bad debt credit for taxes remitted and assigned by another legal entity?”(Third Party Bad Debt). If the taxpayer indicates YES, the appropriate third party information for the bad debt credit beingtaken on this return must be reported within the TFS~T2~26162 loop. If the taxpayer indicates YES, then ask:

      • “Did you take credit on your federal return for one or more of the third party entries?”


  • Tax Information and Amount Segment (Required).
  • The following TIA Segment is required to indicate whether the taxpayer refunded sales tax for items exported outside the United States. You must ask Taxpayers the following question: “Did you refund sales tax for items exported outside the United States based on a Texas Licensed Customs BrokerExport Certificate?” If the taxpayer indicates YES, then the total state and local sales tax refunded for items exported outsidethe United States from all Texas Licensed Customs Broker Export Certificates must be reported withinthe TFS~T2~26160 loop.







If TIA 4208 (Total State Tax, Penalty, Interest, Due Net of Discounts and Credits) or TIA 4209 (Total Local Tax, Penalty, Interest, Due Net of Discounts and Credits) is reported, then this segment is required. BPR16 (Settlement date) cannot be more than 30 days in the future.


N1~TP~Joe Taxpayer Inc

N3~P O Box 12345


PER~CN~Carol Wright~TE~5124630070~EX~30070~EM~sales@aol.com



The following FGS Segment must be used to indicate a “Taxpayer Outlet Location” located outside the state of Texas. Multiple out of state locations should be combined to this Outlet and the “00000” outlet should be reported only once. Use an FGS loop for each business location being reported.












Credit Information Loop. This TFS begins a looping process for forms 01-148. The data entered in the following TFS loop is for informational purpose only. It is not used in calculating tax due on this report. The following TFS loop is conditional and, is required if a credit is being taken. If TIA03 (Tax Information Amount) 4088 for Credits Taken segment indicator is YES in the header portion of the return, then this TFS loop is required. If the indicator is NO in TIA03, then it is not required.

MSG~Restaurant with Catering






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