EDI data conversion

Commercial translation packages for converting EDI data

The majority of companies using VICS EDI purchase or lease commercial translation packages. Commercial translation packages are available for a variety of computer configurations, from mainframe to PC. Implementation objectives, timing, and cost play an important role in determining how translation facilities are provided. The UCC maintains a directory of VICS EDI translation software providers.

Turnkey Application Software

For smaller companies, application software that is bundled with translation capability and access to a VAN may be available. In this situation, the third-party service bureau provides many or all of the functions of an internal systems staff. They provide the linkages from the application system to the VICS EDI standard, and they keep the software current with the published standard. They may also set up and maintain a company’s electronic mailbox, and they may work directly with new trading partners to implement VICS EDI. The UCC maintains a listing of these providers; it is available on request.

Third-Party Translation Services

Some companies elect to perform translation entirely with a third-party service provider. In this scenario, the company sends data to the provider in non-VICS EDI format (generally the format of the internal application which produced the data). The third party translates the data into VICS EDI format and transmits it to the trading partner. Subsequently, when data is received by the third party from the trading partner, it is translated from VICS EDI format into the company’s internal application format. The third party then places this received data in the company’s electronic mailbox.

In-House Development

Translation software maintenance and support are more costly and complex than an initial look at the standard and its requirements might suggest. Time has shown that companies quickly abandon the notion of developing translation software themselves, unless they have other business objectives to sustain the development effort.

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