FTP as a custom level messaging protocol

EDI Transport Method FTP is one of the standard network protocols used to exchange and manipulate EDI files over a network. EDI Transport Method FTP (File Transfer protocol) – is a protocol that serves for files transmitting in computer networks. This type of protocol is categorized as custom level protocols and it uses protocol TCP/IP for file transmitting. FTP is one of the oldest custom protocols that has saved its features until today. That confirms its reliability and universality.

This type of communication usually applies two transport protocols TCP. Commands and data, unlike most protocols, are sent via different ports. Port 20 is used for data transmitting while port 21 is used for commands transmitting. This type of protocol can operate in two modes: active and passive. Depending on the mode used, different ports are in operation.EDI FTP

The communication with this type of protocol servers in firewall protected networks is possible only in case when the defined ports on firewall (router) are opened. For FTP operation special software is required: either server or client application.


  • Easy to apply
  • Simple connection configuration
  • Ability to transfer any data amount
  • Ability to use flag files.

FTP Disadvantages:

  • The data transmitted is not codified
  • During authentication login and password are sent as an open text
  • Absence of files reception statuses
  • Using software of two types: server or client application.

The mentioned type of protocol is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server applications. The protocol described in this post is also often used as an application component to automatically transfer electronic data interchange files for internal functions within programs. It can be used with user-based password authentication or with anonymous user access.

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