GS1 guideline

Using the global GS1 guideline to create local guidelines

The global guideline was developed by the GS1 community of users and GS1 MOs to define best practices associated with the GS1 EDI standard in the global healthcare supply chain. Consequently, the guideline only contains processes and data that are commonly applicable across multiple countries and regions.

GS1 EDI standards contain more information than the guideline, partly because they need to accommodate all industries and since some information is only used in a single country. This is typically due to local laws and regulations and, at times, due to local business practices. The information in the global guideline is often more restrictive than the standard. For example, it could exclude codes that are not relevant for the described process and adapt the guiding text to healthcare.

The GS1 set of EDI standards is the only normative reference. It is not possible to add additional information to the guideline that hasn’t been sourced from the standards (normative reference). If additional information is required, it must be published in a new version of the standard before it can be added to the guideline.

Using the global guideline to create new local guidelines

A staged approach is recommended. While you may be tempted to go straight to the syntax description, follow these steps to save time and resources in the long run.

Having a common and agreed upon understanding of the processes will minimize the risk of divergent interpretation of the standards. Separating syntax dependent from syntax independent information enables mappings across standards, migration paths and version handling.

  1. Select the process in the GS1 Model for Supply Chain Management in Healthcare, Part II eCom Processes, and gain agreement with users that this correctly describes the area being addressed.
    • Review and agree with the team that the descriptions in the process model are applicable locally.
    • If needed, add additional local processes. In case of missing processes considered global, or disagreements, a work request should be initiated to update the BDS.
  2. Review the list of data in the Business Document Specification (BDS) for the process, e.g., BDS order.
    • Select the data elements and codes that are relevant for the organisation developing the guideline. Note: Information that is marked as mandatory or required cannot be excluded.
    • If needed, add additional local information. In case of missing data considered global or disagreements, a work request should be initiated to update the BDS.
  3. Use the Mapping Specification (MS) for the desired syntax to find how the chosen information is expressed in the syntax, e.g., MS-EANCOM-ORDERS or MS-XML-Order.
    • Some MOs may offer mapping specifications to other syntaxes, but these are only supported locally.
  4. If agreed locally, share the final local guide with the GS1 Global Office (GO). GS1 GO will not share or distribute it, but will use it as a resource for future versions and developments.

To learn more about EDI standards and become a CEDIAP® (Certified EDI Academy Professional), please visit our course schedule page.

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