EDI Global Data

Global Data Synchronization Network

The Global Data Synchronization NetworkTM (GDSN®) is the electronic transfer of standardized product information between trading partners and the continuous synchronization of that information over time. The GDSN helps to support all partners in having access to the same, accurate information. It’s all about product master data, which includes product attributes such as weight, description, brand name, product information, GTIN, and manufacturer information.

Trading partners only need one connection to send and/or receive product information. By being continuous, trading partners can share accurate and up-to-date product information. For example, once a product’s information is synchronized, any changes made to it are automatically and immediately provided to downstream trading partners using the network.

You can share your product data using GDSN through data pools with companies that manage the exchange of product data between trading partners. Different data pools specialize in different industries, so it’s best to ask some qualifying questions before choosing one.

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