GS1 Global Location Number (GLN): Standardized Unique Location
The GS1 Global Location Number (GLN) enables standardized unique location identification that can be shared across trading partners. It’s already used in healthcare systems across the globe. This can be particularly true with products that follow multiple routes from the manufacturer to the point-of-care. Some products can be delivered directly to an operating room by a supplier, while others can be distributed via a combination of methods (third party logistics provider, wholesaler, or distributor).
GLN Case Study: Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System
To help drive the digital transformation of its business and critical processes, FMOLHS took the strategic step to implement GS1 Standards. Working closely with its suppliers and GS1 Healthcare US Initiative Solution Providers, the health system laid a firm standards-based foundation that integrated with its software-based systems, to manage and control product inventory and location information. As a result, FMOLHS is now able to share more accurate and complete product data within its system and with its suppliers —making sure that the right products are delivered just-in-time for use, to the right patients and for the correct procedures.
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