EDI 810 Invoice Standards At Gordmans
EDI 810 Invoice must be sent within 24 hours of shipment pickup from vendor’s warehouse. Gordmans require the following information on the EDI 810 Invoice:
- Your name and address
- Your invoice number
- Gordmans Purchase Order Number
- Total weight of the shipment
- The freight Carrier
- The exact quantity in units by style, color and size
- The unit cost must match the unit cost on Gordmans purchase order.
- The line item total must equal the invoice total
- The 810 Invoice must only include merchandise line items transmitted at actual costs.
The merchandise line items should not be reduced to compensate for new store discounts, damage or distribution charges. No charges or allowances should be included in the 810 invoice either against line items or the invoice total. Invoices transmitted with these additional charges and allowances will be rejected, and subject to a non-compliance charge. Whenever possible the 810 Invoice should be consolidated to facilitate processing and research.
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