Greenlee Electronic Data Interchange Trading Partner Instructions
Greenlee Electronic Data Interchange operation is a business-to-business electronic exchange of documents (EDI transactions) in a standard format. EDI business documents are called transaction sets. These transactions sets are exchanged with Trading Partners, i.e. parties with which electronic transactions sets are exchanged. Greenlee supports ANSI ~ X12 standards
Greenlee Electronic Data Interchange Work Instructions
- Trading Partner signs into Greenlee Textron internet website.
- Click on Customer Service and Support.
- On the Service/Support page, click on
- At this web page a customer can click on the following items:
- Partner Profile: This form should be filled out and returned via email
- Greenlee EDI Technical Information Profile: Technical information
- EDI specifications.
- Customers/Suppliers should download and fill out the Trading Partner Profile. Once completed, please return the partner profile via the email address. The information contained on this profile will be used by Greenlee for contact information as well as technical setup. Using the EDIcom email option will process information to the EDI team.
- Please attach any supporting documents such as Branch/Store Lists, Part number cross references, etc. Branch/Store Lists are applicable only if they apply to the N104 element. Example: Duns+4 identification. Part number cross reference information is needed if the customer wants Greenlee to keep their part number within their ERP system. It is also needed if customer’s are not able to send the Greenlee UPC# or the Vendor Catalog number. Greenlee will need some method to cross-reference to the internal Greenlee number.
- Customer/Supplier should email their companies Trading Partner Agreement if one is mandatory for setup.
- Customer/Supplier should download Greenlee’s EDI Profile. The Greenlee profile includes Greenlee contact information, Greenlee technical information as well as scheduled pick-up times and general information.
- (Future) Greenlee’s Trading Partner Agreement should be downloaded and signed by appropriate person.
- Customer/Supplier should download available EDI transaction specifications. All or whichever specifications are applicable.