GS1 Standard Usage For Electronic Data Interchange

GS1 Standard history is closely connected to a bar code. Today bar code is a usual thing. But its history began in 1974 when a chewing gum with a barcode on it was scanned for the first time. That day set further development of the global bar-coding including EDI processes. Barcodes are used by manufacturers, suppliers and retailers in many industries such as retail, healthcare, food service, transport and logistics. Bar-coding showed an example how standardization can reduce costs, raise efficiency and influence the development of a business process including EDI communications.

GS1 Standard in EDI creates a common platform for global business by identifying and sharing unique information concerning goods and service and more. Identification keys are standards that define unique codes that refer to item, trade item, logistics unit, location, document, service relationship etc.

 GS1 Standard

GS1 Standard EDI provides global standards for electronic business messaging that allow automation of business transactions commonly occurring across the entire supply chain. It covers master data alignment, order and delivery and financial settlement management, as well as transport and warehouse management. The main business partners in scope for this are retailers, manufacturers, material suppliers and logistic service providers.

Three sets of complementary EDI standards:

  • XML

They are being implemented in parallel by different users, although XML is better adapted to exchange information using the internet based technologies.

The Global Office runs the annual survey aimed at assessing the state of the EDI community worldwide. It measures implementation of the EDI standards in countries where there are GS1 Member Organisations.

World business communications count hundred thousands of different companies and organizations. Doing common worldwide business demands generally accepted rules and directives that help many companies reduce inter-industry problems. Global standards in EDI provide common language of information exchange, identification and business rules. Due to this companies can cooperate in some vital points that bring worldwide business processes to defined commonly understood standards.

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