Hallmark EDI

Hallmark EDI Special Notes

Hallmark EDI Special guidelines include packing list requirements – a photocopy of the EDI invoice or a packing slip must accompany each shipment, preferably on the outside or inside of carton number one. The packing list for each store must include:

  • Hallmark six digit Purchase Order number
  • The Store Number
  • Items in same unit of measure as the Purchase Order.

All shipments are shipped as FOB destination – ownership of product transfers to Hallmark upon delivery at Hallmark stores. Hallmark Retail, LLC will not be involved with carrier claim processes. Pack each store separately and label each carton with the store name including store number, vendor name and purchase order number.
2. The store number must be included in the store name on all labels, bills of lading and invoices. For example: Hallmark Creations #681
3. If pre-ticketing has been negotiated, products must be labeled with the standard 12 digit UPC and a retail price sticker.

Hallmark Retail, LLC purchase order and store number MUST be on all documents pertaining to purchase order.

All orders must be shipped complete as possible within the shipping period specified on the Purchase Order.

  • Hallmark Retail, LLC reserves the right to reject all goods not delivered within the time specified.
  • Any substitution, variation, or divergence from the order will be at the expense and risk of the vendor. Example: Unordered overages will be kept at the vendor’s expense unless it is proven to be a Hallmark Retail, LLC error. Product shipped and received after the PO cancel date may be kept by Hallmark Retail, LLC at the vendor’s expense.

No backorders or substitutions without prior written authorization from the Hallmark Retail, LLC Buyer will be permitted. If backorders are authorized, they must be shipped freight prepaid and ship within the given shipping period. Do not include unauthorized substitutions on your invoice. Any invoice that includes unauthorized substitutions will be paid net of substitutions.

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