HIPAA EDI Webinars Schedule
HIPAA EDI 101 – Introduction To The Health Care EDI Environment
Webinar Times: Mondays at 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM EST – 2020 Dates: October 26th or December 7th
Register a la carte: https://attendee.gototraining.com/rt/151393259285733634
- Introduction to the Health Care EDI Environment
- Health Care EDI Defined
- Benefits of Health Care EDI
- X12 Standards
- X12N Workgroups
- WEDI – Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange
- Software & Infrastructure for EDI (What’s a Translator & Mapper)
- EDI Connectivity (e.g. SFTP, HTTPS, Web Services)
HIPAA EDI 110 – EDI Enveloping & TR3 Viewing
Webinar Times: Tuesdays at 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM EST – 2020 Dates: October 27th or December 8th
Register a la carte: https://attendee.gototraining.com/rt/7983818215821203201
- EDI Enveloping & TR3 Viewing
- EDI Enveloping ISA-GS-ST-SE
- Key terms related to the structure of EDI (e.g. qualifier, segment, terminator, delimiter)
- Instructions on using the TR3 manual to look at transactions, segments and data elements, situational rules and loops.
- LOOP IDs – Deep Dive (HL,NM1,CLM,etc)
- Instructions on viewing EDI Implementation Guides and Mapping Specs
- Health Industry Related Code Sets – Clinical and Non-Clinical
HIPAA EDI 201 – Deciphering HIPAA EDI Transactions – Enrollment & Eligibility
- HIPAA EDI 110 is a pre-requisite for this class.
- Webinar Times: Wednesdays at 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM EST – 2020 Dates: October 28th or December 9th
Register a la carte: https://attendee.gototraining.com/rt/2455576005944915969
Eligibility & Enrollment Series
- Deciphering 834 Benefit Enrollment 005010X220A1
- 834 Update File
- 834 Audit File
- 834 Exchange Enrollment 005010X307
- 820 Premium Payment 005010X218
- Deciphering 270-271 Eligibility Enquiry and Response & 271 005010X279A1
- 270 Eligibility Inquiry
- 271 Response To Eligibility Inquiry
- 278 Prior Authorizations and Referral Authorizations
- CAQH Requirements – Real Time & Batch
HIPAA EDI 210 – Deciphering EDI Transactions – 837 Claims & Acknowledgements
- HIPAA EDI 110 is a pre-requisite for this class.
- Webinar Times: Thursdays at 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM EST – 2020 Dates: October 1st or October 29th or December 10th
Register a la carte: https://attendee.gototraining.com/rt/8115484733247838977
HIPAA Billing & Encounter Session
- 837 Professional Claim 005010X222A1
- 837 Institutional Claim 005010X223A2
- 837 Dental Claim 005010X223A2
- TA1 Acknowledgment
- 999 Acknowledgement 005010X231
- 277CA Claim Acknowledgment 005010X214
- Medicare MAO Acknowledgments
- 276-277 Claim Status Inquiry & Response 005010X212
HIPAA EDI 215 – Deciphering EDI Transactions – 835 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice
- HIPAA EDI 110 is a pre-requisite for this class.
- Webinar Times: Fridays at 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM EST – 2020 Dates: October 2nd or October 30th or December 11th
Register a la carte: https://attendee.gototraining.com/rt/4233480810518527745
HIPAA X12 835 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice
- Deciphering 835 005010X221A1
- Claim Adjustment Group Codes
- Claim Adjustment Reason Codes
- Line Level Balancing
- Claim Level Balancing
- Transaction Level Balancing
- Provider Level Adjustments
- 835 Matching Logic
HIPAA EDI 401: Advanced 837 Coordination of Benefits & 277/RFAI & Encounters
- Requires three pre-requisite courses: HIPAA EDI 110, HIPAA EDI 210 and HIPAA EDI 215.
- Webinar Times: 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM EST – 2020 Dates: October 5th or November 2nd or December 14th
Register a la carte: https://attendee.gototraining.com/rt/509377752636664577
Part 1: COB In this session we will cover advanced 837 topics with different situational rules. In addition, we will walk you through several scenarios of Coordination of Benefits and show you how the 837 and the 835 are linked when more than one payer is involved.
Part 2: 277/FRAI This combined section will cover the 277 Request for Additional Information along with the 275 Health Care attachments. Real-world implementation examples and scenarios will be covered.
Part 3: Encounters Transmitting 837 Outbound to CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) is a common practice for most health plans. The Encounter Data System (EDS) Companion Guide contains information to assist Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) and other entities in the submission of encounter data. This class will go through the highlights of the Encounter Companion Guide for institutional and professional claim. We will also some highlights Medicaid claim companion guides for some states. We will show examples of 837 x12 transactions for the following encounter types:
- Standard encounters & Atypical Providers
- Capitated encounters
- Replacements
- Deletes
Custom Webinars/Seminars
In addition to our public seminars, we also host custom on-site classes. Organizations such as Ace Hardware, RVCF; NEECOM; Verizon Data Services, Ghirardelli Chocolate Company; FASTENAL; McCormick & Company, Inc; have enjoyed classes that have been customized for them for the all industries curriculum.
On the healthcare side organizations such as Stanford Hospital, Experian Health, BlueCross & Blue Shield of Illinois, Healthnet, TriZetto Group, DST Health Solutions, Tampa General Hospital, Delta Dental of Michigan, Oklahoma State Dept. of Health, Stanford Hospital have all been very happy with the training that the EDI Academy has provided to them.